
The Madder Stat class is the base class for Madder player stats. These stats are shown per game on the player’s account. The Madder Stat class is a generic serializable class that can be used to store the following types of stats:

  • String
  • Int
  • Float
  • Bool

The Name is the name of the stat and is REQUIRED. The Value is the value of the stat and is REQUIRED. Using a disallowed stat type will result in an exception.

public interface IMadderStat { }
public class MadderStat<T> : IMadderStat
    static MadderStat()

    private static void ValidateType()
        Type type = typeof(T);
        if (type != typeof(string) && type != typeof(float) && type != typeof(bool) && type != typeof(int))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Type not allowed. Only string, float, bool, or int are allowed.");

    public string Name { get; set; }
    public T Value { get; set; }


Player stats are added to the player’s account through the Madder Messager’s UpdateMadderPlayerStats method. This function takes a Madder Player object serialized as a JSON string. The Madder Player object contains a dictionary of stats that are updated on the player’s account. Because it is a dictionary, you can add as many stats as you like to the player’s account.

The Madder Stat class may be extended to add calculations and functions. For example, you may want to track a total number of kills a player has accumulated in your game, but you only want to display their K/D ratio:

public class KillDeathRatioStat : MadderStat<float>

    private int kills;
    private int deaths;

    public KillDeathRatioStat()
        Title = "K/D Ratio";

    public int Kills {
        get => kills;
            kills = value;
            Value = (float)kills / deaths;

    public int Deaths
        get => deaths;
            deaths = value;
            Value = (float)kills / deaths;

    private void UpdateValue()
        if (deaths == 0)
            Value = kills;
            Value = (float)kills / deaths;


There is no limit to the number of stats you can add to a player’s account. However, it is recommended to keep the number of stats to a reasonable amount to avoid performance issues and to keep the player’s account clean.